November is my TWO Year Business-a-versary!

Two years ago I took the leap of a lifetime, and jumped from my salaried career to pursue my dream of doing residential design all the time.
A little context: 2020 / Covid / lockdown / full time career / and virtual kindergarten really was taking a toll on me. I was exhausted, and wasn’t able to do all of the parts of my life to the best of my ability, and that’s just not my style. So in the most unknown time in the world, I made the scariest decision of my life to that point : take my side hustle full time.
My passion for architecture has always been rooted in residential design, and now and for the last two years, I have been lucky enough to be designing my passion projects ALL THE TIME!
I have learned so much! How to run a business, how to price myself, how to schedule, how to pay quarterly taxes, how to pass on projects, how to support others in my industry, how to network and get myself out there, how to believe in myself, and so so much more!
I’m so grateful to everyone who has supported this venture of mine: all the people who have sent me referrals, all my awesome clients, and my amazing family! I want to thank you, and ask for your continued support!
I have some big goals for year 3! And some amazing projects! Stay Tuned!